Friday, October 8, 2010

A day at Hershey

Wow, what a nice day, not a cloud in the sky. When I first get there, I stop at 3 vendors who might have F5000 race programs and photos. My main race program guy was going out of business and this was going to be his last show. He had already disposed of 22,000 race programs to one person. His booth was basically empty. This is starting to be the same story over and over again. Most of the guys selling this stuff are 70+ years old. There's no one to pass the torch too, so they just end up quiting. The other 2 vendors had nothing. Spent the day, but went home empty.

One of those "what is it" cars.

Saw this guy while I was in the parking lot eating my lunch. I don't think he's looking for a starter motor for his "39" Plymouth.

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