Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Last of the paint.

The last of the paint is the rear wing. I didn't included it last year in the group of body work, wasn't sure if it was going to be modified. But it's appears to be ok, so I'll start on it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goodyear Tires

Talked to Goodyear Tire the other day and found out there out of tires for my car. Anticipating a new shipment sometime in May. This new information does put the first race at Mid-Ohio in June a "maybe".
But, like everything else, just one day at a time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Starter Motor

Well, the starter motor fits. Wasn't really sure being it was compared to a photo of a old one. The next test is will it lineup to the flywheel, and turn the engine over.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 months and counting

With the fuel lines connected, I was able to install the right side impact structure. The access area for the fuel lines is behind the panels.
The engine rebuilding is taking longer than I original thought. What else is new. Trying to use as many of the old parts is increasing the time it's taking. If I'm going to make it to Mid-Ohio in the third week of June, the engine has to be done by May 21. After the engine is in the car, it has to go the the race shop to have a exhaust made. That's going to take 2 weeks to complete. So, who knows.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Waiting for UPS

The brackets for the cooling lines, done. Instruments on the panel, done. Put the fuel filter in place, and the new lines and other hardware will arrive today.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A slow week

For progress on the car, it's been a week of work, but not on the car. A few odds and ends have been completed, but by all accounts, slow. Next week looks a little better. Parts on order should be in Monday and then most of the fuel system should be done. Brake lines are here, just no time to install. Visited the engine builder, more next week on this story.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fuel Filter, just look in Texas

Pictured, is the fuel filter, lines and housing. In my never ending quest to keep as many original parts as possible, the filter is in need of replacement but the housing is just fine. The unit is made in England and no longer available on new vehicles. I did finally find a filter in Texas, a antique tractor parts supplier had one. I think he would be surprised to see what his filter is fitted to. The intended use where for fuel injection on Diesel engines. The big reason they where found on race cars is because they're designed to have the fuel pulled through instead of pushed through the filter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Sorting out the wiring. A course nothing was connected at the other end. Yea, another mystery to solve. But this should be pretty standard. Having a lap top makes looking at the previous photos a lot easier to ID placement.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'll take what's behind door #2

I think this is my best option. Made temporary hardware and it looks OK. If I have a couple of small brackets made, the wing with the support should fit quite well. This modification is best left to the pro's.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rear Wing

The rear wing has a issue that I have waited to tackle. When I went out to St. Louis to pickup the car, the rear wing was not attached, just sitting there on the floor with the boxes of spare parts. Once the car was home, I found out why. No way will the wing mount to the rear of the car, there's just no provisions for attachment. Upon closer examination of old photos, I realized that this particular wing was not used. So I placed all the spare parts on the floor that might have a connection.

I did come up with the old mounting hardware for the wing I don't have(photo). More tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bits & Pieces

There's lots of bits and pieces that need my attention. The fuel system with the exception of the cells and fuel filter where missing. So. I'm kinda in the dark, but I will put in a order for what I think I need and go from there. The car was run with fuel injection, but the replacement is way to expensive, so it's the Webers for now. The shift linkage is now in place, the final adjustment will be made at the track. Next week, attach the brake lines and test for leaks, and think about the seat belts, the club that I race with are requiring the Hans device beginning in August.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Has it been that long?

Almost 2 years later, the gearbox and tub are one unit. Now with the gearbox and suspension attached to the tub. Brake lines, clutch lines, shift linage, wires can all be connected.