Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday Con't

Yesterday was really a nice day, perfect weather.  Today should be the same.
One of the many camping sites.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Tonight the airshow

 I've got my seat.  

Boeing 747 cargo from China. Not part of the night show:)

Saturday Oshkosh

Early morning ballon launch.  In my past visits it's been to windy for this.  However this was the perfect morning.

Friday Oshkosh

Friday's weather was not the best until late afternoon.  I did a few more seminars and a little shopping.
I'll add photos a little later.  I forget the card adapter for the photos.  Where I camp there is no Wi-Fi and it's about a mile away.
Today it's going to be beautiful weather, all day.  This will also be the busy day and the night airshow will happen later.
Canadian Snow Birds

Water Tanker for firefighting.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Thursday Oshkosh

Yesterday was occasional rain and overcast for the day.  If you like yesterdays weather,  you'll love today's.  Glad Deb packed warm cloths, it's around 60 degrees now.
Today it's seminars and more shopping.
The photos below are from my camping site.  It's located about 1/2 mile from the end of runway 36.  Nice place to take photos of planes on approach.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Wednesday Oshkosh

Yesterday(Wednesday) had it's mix of weather.  Around noon hit with a storm but by early afternoon the weather was OK for the  airshow and night airshow.
Today will be a mix bag, alittle rain and maybe some sun later.
I been to quite a few of these, but I don't think I've ever seen so may planes and people.
Today it's vendors and seminers.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Oshkosh photos

Goooood morning Oshkosh

A little R&R. Last time I was here was in 2009. Good to be back