Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lime Rock 2012

I just recently received this photo from a fellow racer.  This was taken last year at Lime Rock(2012)of his grandson admiring my car.  He told me the photo is hanging up in his office.  I like it too.
I did put together a F5000 entry list for COTA.  Click here

Saturday, September 21, 2013

New decals

Having a couple of decals made to replace this water decal. When applied I should have used clear coat to protect it. Got some engine degresser on it last year.

Other than that, getting ready for a antique show next week. Then back to the car.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Goodyear repaint

Needed to repaint the rear tire. I lowered the letter on the tire ½”. It sits on sidewall a little better. Getting a lot faster it this. I intended to use the real Goodyears at COTA(Austin). But realized if I had to replace a tire, all that would be available would be Avons. Really don’t have the space in the truck to bring old spare Goodyear tires with us.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Steering rack finished

Made the adjustment to the rod ends on the steering rack. This stopped the small amount of play on the left side. Everything looks tight now. Next on the list is gear ratios. From what I’ve heard, Watkins Glen ratios are a good starting point.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Steering rack

The steering rack has adjustable joints at either end. The left one has a little play. I’ll pull it apart just to make sure nothing is broken. As I remember, this one was adjusted in 2010 during the Watkins Glen event. I’m sure it just needs a little turn of a wrench.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lime Rock photos

Photos from Lime Rock Park 2013. Thank you to Jim Knerr for great photos of #13. If it wasn't for Jim, I would have none.
Lime Rock 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lime Rock Recap

Not the outcome I was hoping for. But I did test a few repairs and noted a problem with the steering rack. The steering rack issue is more of a adjustment than a repair. But this should help in keeping the car straight during heavy breaking. The car is now in the shop, the truck is unpacked and already working on the to-do list for Austin. 47 days to go.