Monday, April 26, 2010

Back to Georgia

Georgia, here we come.

Finish loading the truck Sunday evening. Must easier the second time around and I won't need the tent at this event, all the F5000 cars(14 total) will be under the big top. The Mitty is a big event with 350 cars and lots of other things going on. I was really glad that I went to Savannah. I feel better prepared and the car has gotten a few of the bugs shaking out of it.

The trip to Atlanta is almost the same route as Savannah. We'll leave Tuesday morning and get to Atlanta around 3pm Wednesday. Practice on Thursday then Qualify Friday and Saturday, race on Sunday.

I've created a link where I'm going to add photos from this weekend.
The Mitty Road Atlanta 2010 photos just click on it. I'm going to continue to update the blog, but it's easier to add many photos to this site.

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