Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What's up for next year.

Next year it's 1 or 2 events.  First is Indianapolis.  The SVRA group has this on the calender, its the weekend after the Indy 500.  Much more about driving on a famous race track than the actual race.  The F5000 Association has this on the maybe list.  I'm sure our race group will have much newer cars, like at COTA.  This acceptance of much newer cars(2006) in historic racing is not a good thing.  I certainly  will have a second thought about attending future events with late model cars.
With that said, the other event is Pocono.  Yes, the newer cars will most likely will be in attendance.  But this track is very close to home, no need for a hotel.  I raced FF and Supervee's at this track and it would be fun to go back.  Also the F5000 cars raced here in the 1970's.  This is not on the list for the F5000 group.
Anyway, still 6 months before Indy.  Sometime in January, I'll get back to the race car.

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