Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The plane?

Yes, the plane.  It's been a long time since my last flght.  In fact it was February 26, 2011.  Decide the other day it was time to wash and clear out the birds nest and go for a flight.  But I was not up to date on my bi-annual flight review.  Every 2 years you need to do 1 hour of ground and 1 hour of air work with a flight instructor.  My last review was in February 2009.   So I called the flight instructor (Joe) and made a date to complete this.  The plane was ready and so was I.  It started with an aborted takeoff.  What looked like a large crow decided to fly in front of me and started weaving back and forth.  I still had plenty of runway left to stop so I braked and went back to try again.  From this point on it was just a routine flight.  A few power off and power on stalls, a couple of step turns and now I'm good for the next 2 years.

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