Sunday, February 17, 2013

2013 schedule

The October event in Austin, Texas  is looking more promising.  SVRA has announced that they have secured a date at the track.  We(F5000 group) have raced with the SVRA many times in the past and I do believe we will go as a featured event.  My prediction is you'll see the biggest group of F5000 cars yet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Things are jumping in New Zealand

We'll it least one person I know.  Eric doing the bungee jumping. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fly time

Yesterday looked to be a fine day to go flying.  With the not so good weather in the forecast, I took advantage of the nice day. 
That yellowish orange line on the horizon is smog.  It gets caught in the temperature inversion.

Skiing anyone?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Avon Tires

After kicking the idea around of using my Goodyear tires one more season, decided to shelf that idea.  They only have one race on them but now the tires are 3 years old.  Sooner or later I'm going to have to run on the Avons.  I guess it's going to be sooner.

Eric update
At Hampton Downs Eric had the good fortune to meet and talk at length with Bruce McLaren's widow Patty.

McLaren is celebrating their 50th year and just released this video.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Eric update

Heard from Eric last night.  It's been up and down over the past couple of weeks for him.  As we already know, the first weekend was the fuel injection problems.  The second weekend the car was handling bad, but he sorted that problem out and finished all the races.  This past weekend everything was going good until the last race.  As Eric put it "the gearbox blew up".  So much damage that the gearbox has to be welded.  But it's already in the race shop being worked on.  Eric has this weekend off and then 1 more race event the week after.